Wakeland High is going to the state marching contest. Yes folks, my husband is the man. He rocks. He is livin' the dream. His band earned a spot in the state marching band contest- in TEXAS- the most competitive marching band state in the union. And there is hope that he will finish in the top 10- perhaps even in the top 5(knock on wood). I couldn't be more proud of him.
In order to get the students all hyped up for the contest, Gerry is putting together a wall of inspiration. He invited everyone he knows to write a letter to post on the wall in order to inspire the band to live up to their potential. I have written such a letter. And since this is my blog, I get to post it here:
I have seen you from the beginning. I saw the Wakeland Band form, grow and become the inspiring organization it is today- you are today. And I am so proud of you.
My family has made many sacrifices for the Wakeland Band. Mr. Miller has worked countless hours. He has spent time away from me and the kids in order to inspire you to become the young people he knows you can be. He has worried about you, counseled you, challenged you, prayed for you and loved you like his own children. Although it is a challenge to loan him to you so often, we gladly do it. And in doing so, we share in the joy of seeing a group of young people live up to their own potential and add that much more hope to our future world.
You have already won the prize. You have made friendships that will endure through the ups and downs of a lifetime. You have learned life lessons that will prepare you for an unknown world. You have learned to work together to create a beauty that begins where words end. You have developed a self-discipline that many people will spend a lifetime working to gain. You have given of yourself for the greater good of each other. All of these experiences are far greater than a title.
So, with all my love, I send you off to show the world who you are. Show them who you have become. Give them a taste of the greatness you see in each other. Leave your stamp on their hearts. Live your dream. And know that I couldn’t be more proud of you than I am at this moment.
Mrs. Miller
I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
–Henry David Thoreau
Matthew 5: 14-16
Love you Gerry! I am so proud of you:)